Any way to tell what MSI created a file on my system?


Say I have a file on my system that was put there by a Windows Installer, but I'm not sure which one (in this case it was one of the many sub installers of Microsoft SQL Server).

Is there anything I can query that will tie back that file to the installer so I can uninstall it?

Justin Dearing

Posted 2017-05-27T01:40:36.827

Reputation: 2 704

No; There isn't. You can tell by which directory it's in though and run the uninstaller in that folder. – Ramhound – 2017-05-27T01:47:20.503

2It's definitely possible to query an MSI to find the files and folders it registers, but I'm not sure if you need special tools for that. – RJHunter – 2017-05-27T05:54:43.077

Compare the date of the file was created and installation of any app (appwiz.cpl). – Biswapriyo – 2017-05-27T16:25:01.817



I don't think you can trace each and every individual file to the MSI installer. However, what you can do is trace an Install Location, if it's populated by the MSI in this registry key


Here is a script which can help you with that.

#Get MOF File Method
$mof = @'

[dynamic, provider("RegProv"),
class InstalledProducts {
[key] string KeyName;
[read, propertycontext("DisplayName")] string DisplayName;
[read, propertycontext("DisplayVersion")] string DisplayVersion;
[read, propertycontext("InstallDate")] string InstallDate;
[read, propertycontext("InstallLocation")] string InstallLocation;
[read, propertycontext("InstallSource")] string InstallSource;
[read, propertycontext("Publisher")] string Publisher;
[read, propertycontext("EstimatedSize")] string EstimatedSize;
[read, propertycontext("UninstallString")] string UninstallString;
[read, propertycontext("WindowsInstaller")] string WindowsInstaller;

[dynamic, provider("RegProv"),
class InstalledProducts32 {
[key] string KeyName;
[read, propertycontext("DisplayName")] string DisplayName;
[read, propertycontext("DisplayVersion")] string DisplayVersion;
[read, propertycontext("InstallDate")] string InstallDate;
[read, propertycontext("InstallLocation")] string InstallLocation;
[read, propertycontext("InstallSource")] string InstallSource;
[read, propertycontext("Publisher")] string Publisher;
[read, propertycontext("EstimatedSize")] string EstimatedSize;
[read, propertycontext("UninstallString")] string UninstallString;
[read, propertycontext("WindowsInstaller")] string WindowsInstaller;
$mof | Out-file -encoding ascii $env:TMP\InstalledProductsMof.txt -Force
mofcomp.exe $env:TMP\InstalledProductsMof.txt 

Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\default -class InstalledProducts | Select DisplayName,DisplayVersion,InstallDate,InstallLocation, InstallSource,Publisher,EstimatedSize,UninstallString,WindowsInstaller 

# CLEAN-UP: Remove the WMI Classes you just created

Remove-WmiObject -Namespace root\default -class InstalledProducts 
Remove-WmiObject -Namespace root\default -class InstalledProducts32 

Sunny Chakraborty

Posted 2017-05-27T01:40:36.827

Reputation: 101