Optimal settings for madVR for this PC


CPU: Ryzen 5 1600 stock cooler
GPU: GIgabyte GTX 1050ti 4GB OC Gaming
Motherboard: Gigabyte AB-350 Gaming 3
Monitor: Full HD
Connection: HDMI

Now I know my motherboard and CPU supports 4k video playback, but I am not sure about the GPU. 

My monitor is not 4k, but from what I know, this is more related to hardware. I am fine with Full HD, but I want to see if my system can handle 4K or not. I tried some samples and they are super choppy on VLC. They work better on MPC-HC with the CCCP codec pack. I have downloaded the madVR codec cause I heard it is the best codec. However, I am not sure about what settings will be optimal for my PC without causing any BSOD(GSOD) or any other issues. 


Posted 2017-05-25T13:51:47.580

Reputation: 219

Mad VR is more for upscaling. than running 4k natively – Journeyman Geek – 2017-05-25T13:55:42.727

@JourneymanGeek So why my 4K video playback is choppy? I thought I had to use madVR. – 4-K – 2017-05-25T13:58:59.603

Wrong buffer settings in VLC can make a large resolution video choppy even if the hardware supports it. And no, bigger buffer is not better in VLC, in fact its a killer for framerates. Too small isn't good either, and the default is not good either. – LPChip – 2017-05-25T14:02:24.160

@LPChip what about MPC-HC with CCCP? – 4-K – 2017-05-25T14:04:31.570

I have insufficient experience with that.I just wanted to point out what the choppy VLC experience likely is caused by. – LPChip – 2017-05-25T14:37:27.790

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