Notepad++ tabs font size



For some reason the font size Notepad++ uses to render tab fonts suddenly became huge:

huge tab fonts

There are settings for it in Settings -> Style Configurator -> Global Styles -> Active tab text and Inactive tabs, but for some reason changing this setting has no effect. There is nothing suggesting that this setting or any related changed inside Notepad++ (and I sure didn't do it deliberately). Perhaps the IT department pushed out some new Windows 10 font setting (not otherwise visible in the system)? If so: how can I tell what setting to revert? Everything I've found on Windows 10 Professional's font settings has a size of 9, so it seems like a long-shot.

Edit: I just reinstalled Notepad++, after having wiped all npp data, but without any visual effect (the font size in the tabs is still huge). I still suspect our IT department to have pushed some Windows 10 font setting.

Jonas Byström

Posted 2017-05-23T09:01:23.217

Reputation: 467

tried reinstalling it with all your saved data in the backup? – None – 2017-05-23T09:03:59.237



Some text fonts too large

Need to go to Control Panel > Fonts > Font Settings > Restore default font settings. Click the button. Restart machine.

Hope it works

Prasadini Ariyaratne

Posted 2017-05-23T09:01:23.217

Reputation: 24


Under Settings > Preferences,

general settings, on the right side ensure Reduce is ticked? Un-ticking this option makes my text on the tab bar larger.


Posted 2017-05-23T09:01:23.217

Reputation: 721

This was checked and has a little effect when checked/unchecked, but mainly the icon becomes larger. When unchecked the fonts are very pixlated, looks like Courier New 10 rendered to a 20px height... – Jonas Byström – 2017-05-23T09:46:30.267


I just noticed this same thing happen (tab font size became huge) right after I installed Visual Studio Code (Microsoft). I had tried to uninstall/reinstall Notepad++ several times, rebooted, etc., but the tab font size stayed huge.

After I uninstalled Visual Studio Code, and reinstalled Notepad++ for the 3rd time, the tab font size returned to normal. When I reinstalled Visual Studio Code, the tab font size in Notepad++ remained normal.

So, something weird must have happened when I installed VSC the first time around? Anyways, if you suddenly notice this problem, think of any programs you may have recently installed and see if uninstalling them fixes the issue. You may need to uninstall/reinstall Notepad++ to make it work.


Posted 2017-05-23T09:01:23.217

Reputation: 101

I'm not sure this solves the issue; for me it actually comes and goes. I'm unable to come up with a sensible underlying cause. Have you noticed explorer.exe crashing without notice, then coming back up again after a few seconds? That happens to me frequently, and perhaps it correlated in some way. – Jonas Byström – 2018-03-21T21:48:06.310

Jonas, I haven't noticed explorer.exe crash. I recently reinstalled Visual Studio Code, with everything else closed down, and the problem did not resurface. It's also possible that I may have undocked/redocked my laptop during that time, so maybe graphics drivers has something to do with it and nothing to do with Visual Studio Code (a coincidence). – alexGIS – 2018-05-11T18:59:13.683