remove all exif tags except specified


I just want to remove all tags except a few (from jpg files). I would like to keep only the title,description and the tags. When i'm running the following command:

exiftool -all= -tagsFromFile @ -Title -Caption -Keywords

my description gets deleted. Can anyone help me out?

BTW if I enter the description manually, it is not readable by many sites

Remus Rigo

Posted 2017-05-09T20:56:21.003

Reputation: 2 623



Your description gets deleted because you aren't copying the description. Follow Exiftool FAQ #2 to make sure, but your description is probably in Description, maybe in Caption-Abstract or ImageDescription. Note that there is no Caption tag, it's Caption-Abstract.

Also take note that you're mixing XMP tags (Title) and Legacy IPTC tags (Keywords). The XMP tag for Keywords is Subject. You want to double check where your data actually is with exiftool -g1 -s -a

To cover all possibilities, you might try this command. I've put both XMP and the Legacy IPTC versions in the command to be copied.
exiftool -all= -tagsFromFile @ -Title -ObjectName -Description -Caption-Abstract -Subject -Keywords


Posted 2017-05-09T20:56:21.003

Reputation: 782

I used exiftool -a -g1 -s to get all tags and added the following tags -Caption-Abstract -Description -ImageDescription – Remus Rigo – 2017-05-10T09:00:52.563