I've configured a block in Invantive Control which downloads data using the query:
select sii.QuotationNumber
, sie.QuotationNumber
, sii.quotationDate
, sii.DueDate
, sii.InvoiceAccountCode
, sii.InvoiceAccountName
, sii.StatusDescription
, sie.Description
, sie.Quantity
, Currency
, sie.NetPrice
, sie.amountDC
, sie.UnitCode
, month(sii.DueDate) monthclosedate
, year(sii.DueDate) yearclosedate
, datepart('week', sii.DueDate) weekclosedate
from exactonlinerest..QuotationLines sie
join exactonlinerest..Quotations sii
on sii.QuotationNumber = sie.QuotationNumber
where sii.StatusDescription = 'Afgedrukt'
sii.StatusDescription = 'Open'
by sii.CloseDate
A named range Sie_Border
and Sie_Data
have been specified in the block and these are created. Above the data I've put a header with the labels of the fields.
The resulting pivot table structure is:
However, I would expect the fields such as "QuotationNumber" to be used for the Pivot table.
How can I get the right labels for the Pivot table?