If I write a batch file that involves executing a Windows program, will the batch file pause until the opened program is closed, or will I have to use "PAUSE" to, well, pause the batch file until I've finished with the program?
If I write a batch file that involves executing a Windows program, will the batch file pause until the opened program is closed, or will I have to use "PAUSE" to, well, pause the batch file until I've finished with the program?
The batch file will not pause, after the WIn32 program is executed, the script will just end. – Ramhound – 2017-05-02T16:55:02.223
If you want the batch file to suspend, precede the invocation with
start /wait
(on the same line). – AFH – 2017-05-02T16:57:58.913I just tried it in Windows 7, and when the Win32 app was run, the batch file froze and resumed when I quit the app. Does it behave differently in Win10? – Foebane – 2017-05-02T18:14:20.277
AFH, it worked without the "start /wait". – Foebane – 2017-05-02T18:22:43.220