I am attaching a few pics of my laptop monitor now . Can you please tell me if this is a hardware error which can be rectified by replacing the monitor ? How this happened - I accidently hit my leg on the laptop and jammed it against the wall and ever since the monitor is like this .I plan to replace the Monitor by buying a spare parts laptop that sells in ebay . I wonder if this is a LCD HARDWARE problem or problem with the cable that goes to the monitor . THE OS works fine in the computer.
I found that the product is LTN140W-l01 Monitor made by samsung . Does anyone know if I can buy a competitor prodct like mentioned here :
Quanta: QD14WL01 (LK01), QD14WL01 (LK11), QD14WL01 Rev.01, QD14WL01 Rev.02, QD14WL01 Rev.04
Samsung: LTN140W, LTN140W1-L01, LTN140W1-L01-1, LTN140W1-L01-AG, LTN140W1-L02
Also can I use any other series of LAPTOPS ( maybe cheaper ones ) like say a 12 inch or 15 inch ones ? Would the jacks be compatible ? – None – 2010-03-16T19:50:16.153