Start menu duplicate Shortcuts



After the last Windows update (Creators Update) I have a serious problem in the start menu...

Some shortcuts are duplicate.

Start Menu Duplicate

So far I tried various methods without any luck:

  • Remove from start (I removed 1 icon and all the duplicates vanish at the same time), then I pin again the shortcut (all the duplicates came back to life)..

  • Delete Shortcut form the folder (all the shortcuts vanish), then if I pin again, all the duplicates came back plus 1 new shortcut (so if I had 3 shortcut before deleting, now I'll have 4).

  • I tried cleaning using CCleaner without any luck

  • I tried to search in regedit also.

I forgot to mention that all the duplicates (for the same program) have the same path and the same shortcut, also some of those icons are unusable (not clickable, nor draggable...

Any advice? it's really disturbing...


Posted 2017-04-18T08:15:58.270

Reputation: 679



Your TileDataLayer has been corrupted or damaged.

Run the following command to see if it helps.

Open Powershell as an Administrator. This will reset your TileDataLayer cache, re-register applications in the start menu, and reset the layout.

Give it about 10 minutes to complete, and reboot the machine.

TDLrecover.exe -resetcache -resetlayout -reregister -allowparallel

If this does not resolve your issue, your profile is corrupt and needs to be recreated.

Charlie C

Posted 2017-04-18T08:15:58.270

Reputation: 94

Thank you... you really saved me I searched everywhere for that solutions and could not find anything useful... – Marcx – 2017-04-24T20:16:13.147

Worked for me. Worth noting that this removes all of your "pinned to start" shortcuts – aucuparia – 2017-11-22T14:37:22.413

oh it doesn't reset only the cache but the whole grid. :( – CME64 – 2017-12-24T19:39:59.480

Correct CME64, it resets the entire layout, the cache, and re-registers all modern applications. – Charlie C – 2017-12-30T16:20:00.720

FYI , this does not work on anything above 1703, I believe they did away with TDLRecover, or deprecated it. – Charlie C – 2019-08-27T19:27:50.310


This answer is for Windows build 15063 (Creator Update)

If Charlie C's answer doesn't work (in my case It's even get worse, having triplicate to three tiles per shortcut), please try this:

  1. Go to the start menu shortcut folder (e.g. C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs). Locate the problematic shortcut, made a copy of it to the same folder.

  2. Unpin the last problematic tile in the start menu. You will notice that instead of the latest one, the first duplicate disappear instead.

  3. Go back to the start menu folder, delete the original problematic shortcut. (keep the copy).

  4. Back to start menu, the remaining problematic tiles will change their name to the name of the copy of the shortcut (something like - Copy).

  5. Now you have one less duplicate tiles. Repeat step 1-4 until a single tile of the shortcut left.


Posted 2017-04-18T08:15:58.270

Reputation: 221

Thanks! It worked for me when Charlie C's solution didn't work – user7777777 – 2017-07-15T07:05:41.447


I tried Sanpon's method before Charlie's, and it worked. Just in a different way:

When I created the copy of the problem link, all my links (three versions of the same folder shortcut) in the Start Menu automatically updated to the new name (folder name - copy). I unpinned two of the links from the Start Menu, one at a time, and when I unpinned the 2nd link, the remaining link switched back to the original folder name (without - copy). Back in the programs folder, the -copy link was gone, and only the original remained.

Easy! Thanks so much!


Posted 2017-04-18T08:15:58.270

Reputation: 1

.Read over "Why do I need 50 reputation to comment" to ensure you understand how you can start commenting.

– Pimp Juice IT – 2017-07-28T02:20:05.613


Some user folders has deleted from (C:\Users########\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs) Please copy windows system folder and some other folders that has deleted from another user without any problem in best way.

I had this problem. I had duplicate icons in the start menu. I used the solution above to resolve the issue.

Hassan Pournajaf

Posted 2017-04-18T08:15:58.270

Reputation: 1

1Welcome to SuperUser. I've edited this answer to make it more readable in English. :) Other than that, a good, simple answer. – Stese – 2017-08-21T13:50:23.997


I've had the very same issue with one application called mRemoteNG myself. I fixed it the following way, without resetting all of the tiles nor using the command line or PowerShell:

I searched for the shortcut of the App that is double in both directories.

1.: %appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu


2.: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs

I just made a backup copy of the shortcut and put it on my desktop; then I moved the original shortcut of the app from the 1st location to the 2nd one.

The reason for that is, windows will delete the shortcut from that location if you remove the tile in the start menu and also will add one if you add a shortcut to that location.

So I moved the shortcut, waited a few seconds, opened the start menu, icons both were still there. Then I removed one of them; the other just disappears a few seconds after. Also does the shortcut from that directory.

What you have to do now is either copy the backup shortcut from the desktop or make another shortcut of the app you want to pin to the start menu and copy it to the very same 2nd location. Wait a few seconds, and the tile appears in the start menu once. There is no double entry for that app anymore.

Geco Mynx

Posted 2017-04-18T08:15:58.270

Reputation: 91