disable tab-scrolling in Chrome/Chromium


Is there a chrome/chromium build that addresses the anti-feature discussed here, where making the mistake of scrolling while the cursor is over the tab bar has the effect of scrolling to random tabs? Specifically I'm interested in a build that reverts this behavior.


Posted 2017-04-17T15:06:21.547

Reputation: 153



You'll need to place your vote by starring an issue to fix this bug at https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=680499. It wouldn't hurt if you found several more (or several hundred more) people to do the same. Once enough people star the issue, developers will get to work and get the option added so you can easily disable (or enable if you like) this functionality.

Ben Trent

Posted 2017-04-17T15:06:21.547

Reputation: 1