How to upload a large file to remote desktop


I have a 30 GB SQL file (Oracle db) on my local machine. I want to upload it to a remote machine and import it to Oracle. What it the quickest and most efficient way of doing this? Thanks.


Posted 2017-04-16T09:50:32.270

Reputation: 111

I'd say FTP. I use Mozilla for this. There is also SSH or SCP. Both ways requires proper credentials which are easily referenced in a search engine. – ejbytes – 2017-04-16T09:57:40.077

What OSes? I'd go with rsync or resilio sync, but it really depends on what the remote machines are. – Journeyman Geek – 2017-04-16T10:04:00.550

It depends. E.g. if your upload speed is slow enough then the quickest and most efficient way may be to send a homing pigeon with micro SD card with your file on it. – Kamil Maciorowski – 2017-04-16T10:06:28.563

@JourneymanGeek it is a Windows machine hosted on Azure – jason – 2017-04-16T10:26:13.753



1) due to speed problems, I always upload large file on my GDrive ( or etc), and then just copy shareable url and download on Target PC.

That's much faster with my experience.

2) To go further, you can create a folder(&make it shareable) in your GDrive, and bookmark its url in your browsers (or remember it with URL-shorteners, like:


Posted 2017-04-16T09:50:32.270

Reputation: 2 436