New RAID-5 volume is grayed out


I try to create a RAID5 volume with 5 disks, all 5 are exactly the same (5x Seagate thin 250GB)

Disk Management can see every disk, also I can choose every RAID except the RAID5.

Because, I love the command line, I tried to create the volume with diskpart. But at the end it give me the error:

DISKPART> create volume raid size=1000000 disk=1,2,3,4,5
The command you selected is not available with this version of Windows.

But, why can't I create the RAID5 volume? I have a fully activated Windows 10 Enterprise version.

Koen Hollander

Posted 2017-04-14T09:40:42.480

Reputation: 157

1Use Storage Spaces. They’re just as proprietary as Dynamic Disks, but more up-to-date in terms of features. – Daniel B – 2017-04-14T18:58:38.790



The Client Editions of Windows (10) don't support RAID5:

  <sl:policyInt name="volmgrx-SupportDynamic" attributes="reboot-required, override-only">1</sl:policyInt> 
  <sl:policyInt name="volmgrx-SupportMirror" attributes="reboot-required, override-only">1</sl:policyInt> 
  <sl:policyInt name="volmgrx-SupportRaid5" attributes="reboot-required, override-only">0</sl:policyInt> 

As you see volmgrx-SupportRaid5 is set to 0 in Windows 10. You need a Server OS, here it is licensed.


Posted 2017-04-14T09:40:42.480

Reputation: 86 560