SettingSyncHost.exe using 50% processor due to denied Registry access


I have a Surface Pro 4 which has had the same issue twice now: after logging in SettingSyncHost.exe starts using more and more processor until the fans trip and I notice it running at about 50%.

The cause is SettingSyncHost.exe writing the same 1K file to C:\Users\{me}\AppData\Local\microsoft\InputPersonalization\TrainedDataStore\en-GB\... over and over again, as fast as it can. Hundreds of thousands of files in that folder by the time I view it.

Further digging found that this is due to the Registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InputPersonalization\TrainedDataStore\en-GB\2 being owned by the local admin group, rather than my user account. This means that SettingSyncHost.exe is not allowed to access it, and each time it tries the process starts again.

Adding my own account as the owner to those Registry keys fixes the issue, for a while anyway.

This issue has also been seen on Windows 8.1 and the Windows 10 preview, but it's still present in Window 10 1607.

What's causing this - why is a reg key only used SettingSyncHost.exe owned by a local admin account instead of the user?

How/why does it reoccur?

What is SettingSyncHost.exe trying to do and can I disable it?


Posted 2017-04-10T07:43:31.960

Reputation: 153

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