Windows 10 latest insider builds crashes when save file or browse file



In recent insider builds, lots of desktop apps crashes upon saving a file or browse for a file. The error is something as below

Unhandled exception at 0x00007FFA166E134D (shell32.dll) in Xamarin Workbooks.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFF8B.

Now I am using the Build 15063.14 with latest updates. This is really really frustrating as I cannot attach a file as attachment in with Google Chrome or save a workbook in Xamarin Workbooks.

This error happens on both my machines which both run insider builds


Posted 2017-04-06T12:30:57.620

Reputation: 889

Sounds like a bug in Xamarin. Have you tried uninstalling it? – DavidPostill – 2017-04-06T12:43:49.037

the tool accesses a NULL pointer. this is a bug in tools. report it to developers. – magicandre1981 – 2017-04-06T16:12:17.320

No, it's not an issue with Xamarin since Chrome had the same issue - crash when browse file / save file, other apps too. I am pretty sure it's a bug in the system level. – imgen – 2017-04-07T23:52:09.387

create crash dumps of Windows inbox tools (notepad.exe) if it has the same issue and share the dmp: Set DumpType to 2 to get a full dmp

– magicandre1981 – 2017-04-08T07:02:00.843

Yup, notepad.exe has the same issue – imgen – 2017-04-10T08:54:03.037

@magicandre1981 I collected the dump, what else? – imgen – 2017-04-10T09:04:48.923

zip the dmp, upload the zip to OneDrive, create a share link and post the share link here. I'll look at the dump and also ask my Microsoft contacts for help. – magicandre1981 – 2017-04-10T16:01:03.247

@magicandre1981, the link is thanks

– imgen – 2017-04-12T12:40:03.317

yesterday there was an update to 15063.138. do you see the crashes here, too? also generate a FULL dump, not a minidump. create a DWORD DumpType and set this to 2. – magicandre1981 – 2017-04-12T13:45:38.010

I did as told, this is the link of the dump file

– imgen – 2017-04-13T23:30:22.773

the dump shows a memory corruption for shell32.dll. use first chkdsk to look if your NTFS is damaged, next run DISM to look for damaged system files. Have you installed the last update to update to 15063.138?

– magicandre1981 – 2017-04-14T07:11:28.200

do you also see the crash if you disable Bins ( C:\Program Files\1UPIndustries\Bins\v1.1.0.784\TaskbarDockAppIntegration64.dll)? – magicandre1981 – 2017-04-14T07:17:10.340

It cannot be with disk damage because I had this issue with both my machines. It could be Bins though. I'll see whether it is Bins that is causing this issue – imgen – 2017-04-15T04:01:13.933

Indeed it was Bins that is causing this issue. I'll uninstall it. Thanks for the help. – imgen – 2017-04-15T04:03:14.193



It turns out that it is the Bins program that's causing these crashes. Thanks for @magicandre1981's help!


Posted 2017-04-06T12:30:57.620

Reputation: 889

ok, nice to see that it is now fixed. report it to the support of Bins – magicandre1981 – 2017-04-15T06:19:54.550

ok, they wrote on twitter that an update is coming the next weeks.

– magicandre1981 – 2017-04-24T17:06:43.500

Good to know that they are working on the fix – imgen – 2017-04-26T13:37:50.507

This should be a comment.Or provide a more detailed answer – Ojonugwa Jude Ochalifu – 2018-03-13T11:18:08.810