how to change the Volume of a virtual drive created by subst?


i'm using subst to create virtual drive mapping to a working folder for ease of use (i can't use mklink as "secpol.msc" is disabled, or new-symlink as power script is disabled), the Volume of the virtual drive is set the same as the physical drive where the working folder belongs to. Is there a way to change the Volume of the virtual drive?


Posted 2017-03-28T00:57:17.137

Reputation: 1 954

I don't think you can. Subst options are fairly basic. What is the purpose of changing the size displayed? The underlying disk size will be unchanged. – Sir Adelaide – 2017-03-28T02:49:40.267

Volume is a text label , not the size – athos – 2017-03-28T02:58:24.203

you can try the Label command, but I have no idea how it would work with a subst. My guess is you can't have a special volume label for a subst mapping.

– Frank Thomas – 2017-03-28T04:41:42.367

1Yeah Label doesn't help – athos – 2017-03-28T06:08:59.477



As you suspected, Mount-Points always share the name of the root drive they are located on. Renaming often renames both. Apparently the registry can be temporarily modified if that suits your need.

A quick alternate could be NET USE. At least this takes the label of the folder you are mounting instead.

Ps. NET USE must point to a network share eg:

NET USE v: '\\localhost\c$\Temp'

^^ This will create a new V:\ drive called Temp ... assuming this folder exists (and the administrative share is available).


Posted 2017-03-28T00:57:17.137

Reputation: 241