Why don't PyCrypto and OpenSSL produce the same output using Blowfish ECB?


As explained in this thread, PyCrypto and OpenSSL produce the same output using AES ECB, assuming you skip the key derivation function with the -K option for OpenSSL. I tested it and got the same output.

However, when I use Blowfish ECB I get completely different output. This code:

from Crypto.Cipher import Blowfish
key = 'secret'
plaintext = 'abcdefgh'
cipher = Blowfish.new(key, Blowfish.MODE_ECB)
ciphertext = cipher.encrypt(plaintext)
print ciphertext.encode('hex')

Produces the output:


These commands:

key=$(printf 'secret' | od -tx1 -An -v | tr -d ' ')
printf 'abcdefgh' | openssl enc -bf-ecb -nopad -K "$key" | od -tx1 -An -v | tr -d ' '

Produce the output:


Why is it different for the Blowfish cipher?


I did some reading and this thread has the answer, I think. OpenSSL is zero-padding the key to 128 bits. See what happens when you change

key = 'secret'


key = 'secret1234567890'

Is there any way around this - I don't see anything in the OpenSSL manual? Is there another commandline program that doesn't zero-pad the key?


Posted 2017-03-23T00:34:45.243


I'm afraid this isn't correct SE for this question. You should consult OpenSSL mailing-lists, forums, documentation etc., maybe stackoverflow or security SE. – None – 2017-03-23T10:50:18.107

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