How to switch between tabs in Opera?


This has got to be possible - I just don't see it: how do you change from one tab to another in Opera with the keyboard?


Posted 2010-03-12T00:22:10.047

Reputation: 8 599

How are you doing it in other browsers? – random – 2010-03-12T01:40:04.803

Ctrl-Tab works in Firefox on the Mac, but not Opera. Oddly enough, as I found from looking around after John T's answer, on the Mac it's Option-Tab. – warren – 2010-03-12T15:12:21.380



If you are looking for keyboard shortcuts, then Ctrl + Tab will move to the next tab, and Ctrl + Shift + Tab will move to the previous tab.


Posted 2010-03-12T00:22:10.047

Reputation: 12 231

Aha - that had been disabled somehow or other. Thanks :) – warren – 2010-03-12T03:10:43.987

This still works with Opera Blink (Opera 15+). – SimonTewsi – 2019-10-02T21:38:37.837


Under Preferences -> Advanced -> Shortcuts you can also enable single key shortcuts. You can then use 1 and 2 on your keyboard to cycle forward and backward through tabs.

John T

Posted 2010-03-12T00:22:10.047

Reputation: 149 037

Be aware this only works on the older non-Chrome version of Opera. As far as I know the newer Opera doesn't support Ctrl+<1-9> for tab selection, nor custom keyboard shortcuts. – o01 – 2014-09-27T13:16:12.250

1Do this, it's really amazingly convenient. I have 1 & 2 mapped to buttons on the side of my mouse, I use it so much. – Fake Name – 2010-03-12T01:49:01.107

@Fake Name - I totally agree, I map the mouse left and right tilt-wheel buttons to switch to the left or right tab. – sblair – 2010-03-14T03:11:09.977

that's really handy! All the answers given are valid, but this one is cool :) – warren – 2010-03-18T19:54:10.057


You can also use mouse gestures: Cycle through open tabs -> Hold right button, roll mouse wheel

Joe Internet

Posted 2010-03-12T00:22:10.047

Reputation: 5 145


And on the Mac it's option-tab.

(thanks John T for the pointer on where to look)


Posted 2010-03-12T00:22:10.047

Reputation: 8 599


Another simpler way is to use the key "2" to go to the next tab and the key "1" to go to the previous tab.

Works on Opera 9.63 (Build 2474 for Linux)

ps: Though I wonder why it is the other way round on the official documentation page (perhaps the version number is different but still...)

Susheel Javadi

Posted 2010-03-12T00:22:10.047

Reputation: 111

That's what John T said, too :0)

– warren – 2010-07-02T14:12:06.037

This no longer works on Opera Blink (15+). – SimonTewsi – 2019-10-02T21:37:27.947