How can I execute cmder with a specific current folder from total-commander?
How can I execute cmder with a specific current folder from total-commander?
can be started in specific folder with:
cmder /single <folder>
Since total-commander already configures the Start in
folder for bat files with the folder from the tab, you can create a CMDER_ROOT/bin/wsh.bat file with the content:
cmder /single %CD%
Now, you can start a cmder shell from total-commander via wsh
. This will add a new tab if cmder is already started. If you want to always start a new instance use /start instead of /single in your script.
I am not sure this was your original intention, but another solution is to create an icon on the icons bar and use as Parameters
/single "%p"
/start "%p"
This way you click on the icon and it starts in the TotalCommander specified directory.