How to remove folders with same name recursively?


I have folder, that contains a lot of subfolders. Each subfolder contains folder with name __pycache__.

How to remove folders with name __pycache__ in each subfolder from command line in Windows?

Thank you!


Posted 2017-03-14T20:11:58.083

Reputation: 97

Please note that is not a free script/code writing service. If you tell us what you have tried so far (include the scripts/code you are already using) and where you are stuck then we can try to help with specific problems. You should also read How do I ask a good question?.

– DavidPostill – 2017-03-14T22:49:38.227



Solved with

for /d /r . %%d in (__pycache__) do @if exist "%%d" echo "%%d" && rd /s/q "%%d"


Posted 2017-03-14T20:11:58.083

Reputation: 97