Just wondering if there is good alternative to Amazon's S3 service? I like S3 but the bandwidth cost is high. I looked at CouldFiles from Rackspace but the cost is even higher.
I don't mind prepaying or having monthly payment in order to reduce the bandwidth cost greatly.
Thank you for any help
EDIT: Sometimes there are frequent downloads which causes the bandwidth cost to go up very quickly, but mostly it is about 25T/month. The storage is about 1T.
your calculation is correct, but what you dont estimate in is availabiltiy, redancy... single server = single point of failure... how are the 1TB backuped? on S3 i dont care about backuping... the data is distributed across multiple hosts AND locations. at any time your server can destroy all data in case of a hardware failure, or the location center goes down... i dont say S3 is the best of all, i just saying that S3 delivers alot for your buck. – Rufinus – 2014-02-06T14:14:07.167