How to refresh the browser on macOS?



This seems so basic, but I found no answer. I'm using the MacBook Pro with the touch bar. Crtl + F5 / F5 doesn't work somehow, which is the case for windows computers.


Posted 2017-03-01T21:26:35.200

Reputation: 843

In mac most CTRL+xxx shortcuts are used with the command key. Tried CMD+F5? – LPChip – 2017-03-01T21:29:01.270

fn+f5 should work too – Blaine – 2017-03-02T03:10:08.780



Refresh: CMD+R (same as F5 on Windows/Linux)

Refresh cleaning cache: SHIFT+CMD+R (same as CTRL+F5 on Windows/Linux)

Fred Vanelli

Posted 2017-03-01T21:26:35.200

Reputation: 146

I moved the accepted answer to this since it is the most straightforward and compact one to my question. – codepleb – 2019-11-05T13:28:58.617


Regular shortcut is Cmd - Shift -R.

Workaround for F5 adapted from!msg/chrome/If0TdQ2m6hU/ZSrbu8BCDpwJ:

  1. Go to "System Preferences" -> "Keyboard" -> "Shortcuts" -> "App Shortcuts"
  2. Hit the little "+" button under the main white area
  3. In the little pup-up window select "Google Chrome" as the Application
  4. Type in "Reload This Page" in the "Menu Title" field exactly as it appears in the Chrome's View menu (no quotes of course)
  5. Click inside the "Keyboard Shortcut" field and hit F5 key (or any desired combination)
  6. Finish with "Add". Shortcut should work directly.


Posted 2017-03-01T21:26:35.200

Reputation: 345

1Thank you! I've been trying to figure this one out for a while. – Telarian – 2019-02-07T15:02:29.983

Unfortunately when you assign "F5" to "Reload This Page", the "Cmd+R" stops to work -.- – Krzysiek – 2019-04-06T21:20:47.240


Macs show you their keyboard shortcuts right in the menus. If you look on Safari's View menu and see the Reload Page command, you'll see it's shortcut is Cmd-R.

Historically, Mac keyboard shortcuts rarely use function keys (F1-F15), because Mac designers and users have tended to favor more compact keyboard layouts that don't have room for the F key row, or nowadays, because that row is primarily used for brightness and volume keys.


Posted 2017-03-01T21:26:35.200

Reputation: 84 656

6Cmd+R, sweet! I feel a bit ashamed that I didn't look int the menu bar, I thought this was basic and should work on whichever platform. Is there also an equivalent to the windows CTRL-F5? This one isn't listed. – codepleb – 2017-03-02T07:22:24.607


Spiff answered first, and is correct: it's Cmd-R on the Mac. However, I'm used to F5 in Windows (used in MANY apps, not just browsers), so consider using the Mac's Keyboard preference pane to map F5 to the Reload Page function. Or use one of the many other shortcut-key tools.


Posted 2017-03-01T21:26:35.200

Reputation: 832

Actually I started using "ctrl + R" on windows. It's somehow easier accessible without looking at the keyboard. – codepleb – 2018-02-26T22:05:13.160