Using Sublime Text as default e-mail editor in Thunderbird


1. Briefly

I want to write my e-mail messages use external editor Sublime Text 3. But I don't know, how I can do it.

2. Example of expected behavior

For example, I get email in Thunderbird. I click to Reply → Sublime Text 3 open for me → I write my email in Sublime Text 3 → save → my text will be shown in compose Thunderbird window.

3. Did not help

  1. I can find only Globs External Editor extension for solution this problem. I install External Editor → I click to External Editor button in Thunderbird →


new tab open for me in Sublime Text → I wrote text my e-mail → I save tab → the message will be updated in the Thunderbird compose window.

Last update External Editor date 2011 year, I think, it does not make sense to write a bug report.

4. Do not offer

  1. Yes, I know, that I can copy my text into Sublime Text and paste it to Thunderbird. Please, do not offer it.

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Posted 2017-02-16T08:17:24.477

Reputation: 543

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