How can i change screen resolution on mac remote control for a windows 2008 Server?


I have a Server with Windows Server 2008 which i normally control over my Windows desktop PC that has a Screen resolution of 2,560 x 1,440 px. The server tests multiple applications automatically for what simulates a mouse and control it. The Problem is, i'm in Hollidays now and have my Macbook Pro with me, wich has a Screen resolution of 2560 x 1600 but has less Inces. So i go to my Server to control everything is still running, and the server changes the simulated Sceen Resolution automatically to a smaller Inch. Now my program stops, cause it doesn't can hit the buttons anymore, they're now on another position. I'm not able to change the Programm cause i don't have the source code on my mac. So i wanted to ask, i there is an option to change the simulated size of the servers display?

Thx, Nico!

Nicolas Mierbach

Posted 2017-02-12T16:37:58.950

Reputation: 13

Did you try just full-screening the remote window? Green dot, top left. – Tetsujin – 2017-02-12T17:04:48.223

Yes, but this doesn't change anything. The only screen resolution i can choose is 1280x800px – Nicolas Mierbach – 2017-02-12T17:20:43.170

Maybe try the beta - - I've been using it so long I don't remember how poor the old version was [current beta has a bug that doesn't remember your screen positioning on the Mac, but is otherwise fine]

– Tetsujin – 2017-02-12T17:23:59.153

Thank you Tetsujin, it worked! I didn't knew the stable Version is this outdated ^^ – Nicolas Mierbach – 2017-02-12T18:17:42.183

I'll throw in something of an answer so we have completion... – Tetsujin – 2017-02-13T13:23:58.293



Not normally the ideal solution to any problem, but for the past year or so Microsoft have had a running series of betas for the 'next generation' of RDC on Mac.

It isn't yet perfect but it can be, under many circumstances a better-behaved version than the current release.

See the announcement, with download links at MS TechNet 'Remote Desktop Client Preview for Mac supports multiple monitors and more' or the direct download from 'HockeyApp' which is a MS site at Microsoft Remote Desktop Beta app for Mac


Posted 2017-02-12T16:37:58.950

Reputation: 22 456