Reading CMS signed enveloped data structure from Base64 encoded envelope


Is there a way to read the CMS enveloped data structure from a Base64 encoded signed enveloped message?

What I am particularly interested is to read is which kind of algorithm is used for ephemeral key encryption. I have received this message from another party and am supposed to extract the data, but when I read the key encryption algorithm, using BouncyCastle implementation, I get a different value from what is expected (and claimed to be).

It would be of great help if I could use a third party tool to verify that the key encryption is not as what is supposed to be (or to prove myself wrong).

I tried using the openssl, with command such as openssl cms -cmsout -print -in ~/Downloads/encryptedSignedData.txt, but it reports an error, no matter which -inform argument I use.

Any hint is highly appreciated!


Posted 2017-02-01T18:53:37.260

Reputation: 31

Commandline openssl cms supports only SMIME (which is base64 with linebreaks plus S/MIME headers) PEM (which is base64 with linebreaks plus ----BEGIN/END whatever----- lines) or DER (binary). If your data is base64 with linebreaks but NO header/trailer (not SMIME or PEM) try converting it to binary: openssl base64 -d <infile | openssl cms -cmsout -print. Otherwise show (in your Q) exactly whatever headers/trailers you do have. – dave_thompson_085 – 2017-02-02T10:17:19.317

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