I've noticed recently on Windows 10 that UWP (Universal Windows Platform) apps like the Xbox app, Windows Store app, etc are taking some inputs from my attached Xbox One controller.
There is an article on MSDN regarding how UWP apps can now respond to Gamepad and Remote interactions.
Is there a way if disabling this feature of Windows 10? My Windows 10 machine is setup as a TV gaming machine with Steam Big Picture and I use Controller Companion which is an excellent mouse/keyboard emulator for controllers when I need to interact with Windows apps. It is way better than the half baked UWP controller support. But now these two systems clash making using UWP apps on Windows 10 difficult with a controller.
I need a way to disable the UWP gamepad/remote interactions.
Wouldn't it be easier to just turn off the controller? The functionality to use a controller is entirely up to the application itself. – Ramhound – 2017-01-30T14:36:04.933
1Problem is the controller support is bad in most UWP apps. Tools like Controller Companion are better solutions for machines hooked up to TVs for gaming and the like (my situation). – orj – 2017-01-31T23:15:28.970
1I am using Joy2Key to control the mouse with my gamepad. Now the new UWP controller support is ruining my experience, on those apps I can´t control the mouse with the gamepad properly anymore because the app is doing all kind of actions when I use my gamepad. So I am also very interested on disabling this. – diegopau – 2018-06-09T17:54:49.393