Ubuntu: Take actions when system temperature gets too high



One of the CPU fans on my Compaq Presario laptop running Ubuntu 9.10 seems to have bit the dust. The fan is deep within the case and I intend to replace the laptop in the next 6 months so it's not worth replacing it. I have the laptop on a cooling pad and most of the time the system is fine, CPU temps around 90°-110°F. Occasionally, however, I'm seeing random lockups which I believe is due to the system overheating. How can I configure the system to:

  1. Lower the CPU speed when the temperature reaches a certain level? (I.E. >110°F)
  2. Shutdown the system when the tempature reaches a critical level? (And what would that be? >130°?)


Posted 2010-03-07T23:24:29.993

Reputation: 7 540

(Better tag suggestions welcomed) – Josh – 2010-03-07T23:24:44.707



Use computertemp:


The last screenshot is exactly what you want (actions upon alarm):


As far as your goals:

(1) Adjusting CPU frequency: http://www.linux.it/~malattia/wiki/index.php/Cpufreqd (trigger this with a computertemp alarm)

(2) Clean shutdown at upper-limit temp: "shutdown -h now" as your triggered command

You might also need lm-sensors installed (or not, read the computertemp docs).

You can add it to your panel:


Finally, I feel compelled to suggest buying a MacBook or MacBook Pro as your next laptop.


Posted 2010-03-07T23:24:29.993

Reputation: 2 094

@Alexander Burke: Believe me, I'd love to buy a MacBook. I use an iMac daily. However this laptop was a hand-me down, and I doubt I'll be buying a new one anytime soon :-( – Josh – 2010-03-11T22:33:10.653

I was going by "I intend to replace the laptop in the next 6 months". :)

If my solution solves your problem, please mark it as the answer! :D – Alex – 2010-03-12T07:52:23.823

True. That's my intention at least :-) I haven't tried your suggestion yet but I will soon, and I most certainly will accept it if it works! – Josh – 2010-03-12T16:55:51.723

I should have mentioned, I intended to buy myself a new laptop for Christmas, and that didn't work out too well! – Josh – 2010-03-12T16:56:26.043


I dont know for number 1 but for number 2 you can configure this in BIOS.


Posted 2010-03-07T23:24:29.993

Reputation: 128

I don't see a shutdown temp in the BIOS. However even if it were there, I want the OS to cleanly shut down or suspend so I don't lose work. – Josh – 2010-03-08T12:58:30.580