Failed to start X server. REDHAT LINUX 5.3


I installed Red-hat 5.3

problem is that it is not showing graphical interface. only kernel / command prompt is available.

I tried startx, then I got this msg

No video BIOS modes for chosen depth

also showing that

ERROR: Failed to start X server.

What should I do?

Chankey Pathak

Posted 2010-03-07T13:16:39.123

Reputation: 215



The problem has been solved. Actually at the installation time it asks whether you want to install a basic server or want to include desktop and some other features. By default the BASIC SERVER option is marked and hence it doesn't include the graphical interface. I reinstalled with the Desktop option and it worked fine.

Chankey Pathak

Posted 2010-03-07T13:16:39.123

Reputation: 215


It's telling you that it cannot setup your video card for the resolution you've chosen. I would try running system-config-display as root, and failing that, I would go to IRC (Freenode) and lookup #redhat, explain the problem and let them talk you through the resolution.

Richard June

Posted 2010-03-07T13:16:39.123

Reputation: 787

I tried system-config-display ... Couldn't start X server with old config. Trying with fresh config...then it waits for some time and after that it shows..

Failed to start X server. – Chankey Pathak – 2010-03-07T16:12:49.063

Then head over to #redhat on freenode and talk to them, it's realtime and they're exceedingly helpful. – Richard June – 2010-03-07T16:27:46.670

Someone told me that Redhat doesn't work on Mercury's motherboards. Is it true? I have installed fedora 11 now and its working fine. – Chankey Pathak – 2010-03-09T14:28:08.373

No clue, I've never tried one of Mercury's motherboards. Nor have I heard of any problems, though that's hardly definative. If fedora works, I would be inclined to believe that RH/CentOS 5.4 would work. – Richard June – 2010-03-09T15:26:48.600