How to reinstall Windows and not lose my MS Outlook configuration?


I cannot find a portable version of MS Outlook. Discussions mentions backing up the .PST file, but I would like to backup all configuration data, address book, email, footers, out of office message, etc, right down ot font settings if possible.

It may sound trivial, but what annoys most is the loss of auto-correct spelling data which was built up over years.

As an alternative, I cannot find a free, portable email client which auto-correct and Thunderbird does not have an auto-correct plugin which works with the current version.

So, how can I best back up MS Outlook’s configuration? All of it.

  • From within Outlook?
  • by copying files regularly? (which?)
  • by exporting registry hives ? (which, and how to automate?)

Mawg says reinstate Monica

Posted 2017-01-24T08:56:07.317

Reputation: 2 744



According to this (unless you saved stuff elsewhere) backing up %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Outlook and %APPDATA%\Outlook should be enough for mails, addresses and likely their settings. Check Documents folder for safety.

If you want to also save dictionaries, forms, signatures and templates unfortunately, you'll have to dig some other folder then. In %APPDATA%: Forms, Signatures, Stationery, Templates, UProof.


Posted 2017-01-24T08:56:07.317

Reputation: 431

"some other folder" ... I guess I will do some searching for files with unique words from "forms, signatures and templates". This is a good start, though (+1) – Mawg says reinstate Monica – 2017-01-24T09:57:42.850

1Actually, they are those "some other folders" mentioned in the article. I just didn't want to mention them because personally I find them trivial 99% of times. – mirh – 2017-01-24T10:02:12.963

Maybe best give all available info & let others decide what's good for them ? ;-) +1 Do you want to add them to your answer (in case of link rot), or shall I? – Mawg says reinstate Monica – 2017-01-24T10:10:05.607

1Done. Besides, it's not like every link rot cannot be fixed by Wayback Machine. – mirh – 2017-01-24T14:18:30.820

1The one in Canada, at least ;-) – Mawg says reinstate Monica – 2017-01-24T14:54:14.897