How to install Guest addition in mac os as guest and windows machine as host?



I am trying to copy contents from host machine to guest machine, But for copying I need to install Guest addition.

Or there is any other way to access host machine content on guest machine or vice-versa.

Thank you,

Rakesh Chaudhari

Posted 2017-01-17T09:30:29.777

Reputation: 171

Question was closed 2017-12-28T23:10:03.760

There are no guest additions for OS X running on Windows, as it's against Apple EULA & therefore unlicensed. – Tetsujin – 2017-01-17T09:33:08.513

@Tetsujin, is it possible to access USB content data? – Rakesh Chaudhari – 2017-01-17T09:34:59.917

I've no idea, I only use licensed software. – Tetsujin – 2017-01-17T09:35:44.520



No, there are no guest additions available for Mac OS X on VirtualBox. However, you can get the "shared folders" using SMB. In order to do so you'll have to add a Host-Only adapter to your Mac VM and enable "File Sharing" in Mac System Preferences.

Afterwards you can access the share via the IP address that was assigned to the Host-Only adapter of the VM (check with "ifconfig" in terminal). Here's a detailed walkthrough for all this.

For USB-support you'll have to install the proprietary VirtualBox extension pack first in order to enable "USB 3.0 support" in your VM's settings.


Posted 2017-01-17T09:30:29.777

Reputation: 149