How to measure non-3D GPU performance on Windows


I am currently running Windows 10 1607 on two different machines with two different sets of graphics hardware. On Machine A, dragging windows is choppy, scrolling is slow, right-clicking to display a context menu is so slow you can see each line of text draw. On Machine B, none of these issues exist. If I run a GPU benchmark on Machine A, Furmark produces a high score. On Machine B, the same version of Furmark produces a lower score than Machine A.

I need a better way to measure the difference of desktop graphics between the machines than "it looks bad when you drag the window."

How can I record quantitative performance data for non-3D desktop graphics in Windows?

Sam Rueby

Posted 2017-01-16T15:29:27.513

Reputation: 157

post more details. Which GPUs do both devices use? Also post all HW specs – magicandre1981 – 2017-01-16T16:41:02.613

I've seen issues like this on machines with powerful GPU's. I wouldn't bother trying to benchmark non-3d graphics - and instead focus on whether the GPU driver is having issues on W10 1607 or if anything else is involved in the display stack (think VNC mirror driver etc...) – leinad13 – 2017-01-16T17:17:55.917 look at user submitted scores. Also can compare video cards. The higher 3d is the higher 2d will be. I think pcmark has some 2d benchmarks with user submitted results for comparing. – cybernard – 2017-01-16T17:47:56.567

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