Displaying all Windows 10 Hotkeys - possible?



Is there anyway to display all of the current hotkeys my windows 10 currently have?

I don't want to search online for the default list, because I might changed some hotkeys, and I don't want to go and search each program or any combination of a hotkey to understand what it does - that's why I'm looking for an easy list that shows all of my current Windows hotkeys.

Is it possible?

David Refaeli

Posted 2017-01-13T15:40:22.617

Reputation: 131

Is this what you looking for?

– Alex – 2017-01-13T17:33:30.583


Possible duplicate of How to get list of defined shortcut keys in the Start menu?

– MJH – 2017-01-15T02:15:54.083

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