Lossless video editing on Linux?



Is there a simple Linux program that allows for video editing without reencoding? All I want to do is extract the video between time T1 and T2 and write that to a new file.

All my searches are turning up empty. I'm considering trying emacs -- copying and pasting blobs of binary.

Does a better solution exist?


Posted 2010-03-05T02:33:00.800

Reputation: 352



If it is mpeg2 you can use gopchop

gopchop - Fast, lossless cuts-only editor for MPEG2 video files

I think avidemux can do this as well

avidemux - a free video editor - GTK version

basically you would make your cuts and then save the output file and tell it to 'copy' rather than re-encode anything...

from the command line you can use mencoder or ffmpeg the same way. Specify the start and end times, but use 'copy' for the codecs.. something like..

ffmpeg -vcodec copy -acodec copy -ss xxx -t xxx ...


Posted 2010-03-05T02:33:00.800

Reputation: 5 915

1I think the ability to cut at arbitrary frame boundaries might be encoding-specific. – TREE – 2010-03-05T03:47:01.333

I've found ffmpeg usually pukes a non-monotone timestamps error when using the -vcodec copy/-acodec copy options. Avidemux is very buggy; you can get it do this if you're patient enough to try enough combinations of settings, and are willing to re-encode the audio to PCM. – Mechanical snail – 2011-09-06T03:30:20.487