send mail hook


Is there any way to run a script whenever the user tries to send mail? I'm particularly interested in ensuring that outbound mail doesn't have a blank subject line.

Solutions that involve plug-ins are welcome!

Charles Stewart

Posted 2010-03-04T21:13:02.743

Reputation: 2 624



It looks like there's no easy way to do this via AppleScript, however there's a plugin that warns in case of blank subject, it's Subjectivity. It works only with Tiger, since Leopard and Snow Leopard's warns you if you leave subject blank.

I found this blog post on writing Mail plugins, however I didn't try to write one.


Posted 2010-03-04T21:13:02.743

Reputation: 526

It works. And the source is nice, easy to read Python code, which I think I can use for other kinds of scripting. – Charles Stewart – 2010-05-31T08:54:24.717