Error when running 'hdparm --dco-identify' in Linux


DCO: Device Configuration Overlay

HPA: Host Protected Area

Both are 'hidden' areas on a HDD.

I am trying to detect if my HDD has a DCO and remove it/ restore to factory settings. This is so that I can then securely erase all data on the HDD properly. I do not want hidden data in the HPA and DCO to get left behind. HPA is disabled so I am checking for a DCO.

I entered "sudo hdparm --dco-identify /dev/sda"

Terminal returned "HDIO_DRIVE_CMD(dco_identify) failed: Input/output error"

Does this mean I don't have a DCO or have I made an error in entering the command?

When I run "sudo hdparm -I /dev/sda" Security says:


Master password revision code = [redacted just in case it's sensitive data]


not enabled

not locked


not expired: security count

supported: enhanced erase

Could this have something to do with the error? My drive is "frozen". Both my laptop and desktop drives say this.

Related post: How to un freeze drive in Linux?


Posted 2016-12-28T01:23:15.037

Reputation: 101

What version of hdparm do you use? Try sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -->>This was fixed in hdparm-9.37! – Wiffzack – 2016-12-28T16:15:47.187

I am running the Linux Mint 18.1 Serena Cinnamon Live CD. I tried – user138072 – 2016-12-29T00:10:35.090

I mean what hdparm version do you use ? – Wiffzack – 2016-12-29T00:11:15.377

I accidentally submitted the previous comment and then tried to edit it. It's not letting me edit.

my post: I am running the Linux Mint 18.1 Serena Cinnamon Live CD. I tried "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade". It returned an error suggesting it is not happy with me running that command on a live cd. I will update my original post with the output/ result from the terminal. – user138072 – 2016-12-29T00:14:15.607

I have deleted my previous comments and deleted the edit I previously made due to them now being irrelevant. Instead of running a Live CD, I have installed Linux on a 16GB USB and have updated all software successfully. I have also confirmed that I have updated to the latest version of hdparm which is 9.48. It is still giving me the same error!! – user138072 – 2016-12-29T02:53:55.660

Worth pointing out this is still happening. I get the same error on my laptop as well. I have been unable to find a single person online who has experienced or resolved this. – user138072 – 2016-12-29T21:49:16.077 shows the author successfully executing --dco-identify but their drive is not listed as frozen. How do I unfreeze my drive? – user138072 – 2016-12-29T21:59:48.657




Refer to How to un freeze drive in Linux? for answer.

Success!! I managed to unfreeze my drive by making the SATA port it is connected to hot-swappable. This involved me going into my BIOS. How you can achieve this will vary depending on your BIOS manufacturer.

Once the SATA port was hot-swappable, I did the following: 1) turned pc off 2) disconnected the SATA data cable from my motherboard. Left power cable connected. 3) turned PC on and booted into Linux 4) Connected HDD and Viola! It was unfrozen and "sudo hdparm --dco-identify /dev/sdb" was working! 5) I checked to confirm it was unfrozen by running "sudo hdparm -I /dev/sdb"

Note: device is at sdb now and not sda (as you will find in my other thread - linked above) because the HDD was connected after Linux was booted into!


If you cannot make your drive hot-swappable, you will have to buy a SATA-USB cable and connect your drive via USB.


Posted 2016-12-28T01:23:15.037

Reputation: 101