How to view SSL Certificate details on Chrome?



Before somewhere around Chrome 55, I could look at the details of a certificate a website is using by clicking on the Green lock icon. Now that functionality seems to be gone; see picture below.

How can I bring this back? I know I can go into Developer Console -> Security but it's tad bit inconvenient.

enter image description here


Posted 2016-12-27T01:33:56.207

Reputation: 1 742

Functionality still exists, verified on multiple Pcs – Ramhound – 2016-12-27T01:40:23.677

@Ramhound Mine looks like this:

– tyteen4a03 – 2016-12-27T01:41:52.960

7I spent some time myself looking around in the Chrome UI and not finding any way to view the actual certificate without going to the Security tab in devtools. So I think the answer is, that’s now the only way—there is no longer any way from lock icon or other normal menus to get to “View certificate” and the protocol/key-exchange/cipher details. – sideshowbarker – 2016-12-27T05:39:49.857

This still works for me: Lock Icon > Details > View Certificate (Windows 7, Chrome 55). I suppose this is an anomaly specific to the macOS version of Google Chrome. – Hydraxan14 – 2016-12-27T20:46:43.417

@mockturtl I am not on Chrome 57. I've had it for several versions now, and I'm not exactly sure when they changed the behaviour on OSX. – tyteen4a03 – 2016-12-31T06:11:07.007

60seeing this now: worst decision ever by google. i can not think of one valid reason why this should be moved somewhere else. mindblowingly stupid. – user3549596 – 2017-02-08T01:20:51.467

Boooo! What was Google thinking to hide important info from the average user. We should make this easier to find not harder!!! – Richard Brightwell – 2017-03-09T12:26:11.493


Please vote (star) for the bug at

– Colonel Panic – 2017-03-10T11:01:20.367


Apparently a future version will have put this back into page info:

– legoscia – 2017-06-20T14:06:50.677


@legoscia confirms this: Re #100: The certificate link will be available by default in a future release.

– phil294 – 2017-09-02T04:46:44.880

It's still not available in Version 61.0.3163.100 (Official Build) (64-bit). – Chloe – 2017-10-15T00:14:18.633



As of Chrome 60 it is possible to return certificate details under "lock" menu. This option has to be enabled manually by accessing chrome://flags/#show-cert-link.

When you enable it and restart the Chrome, option to view certificate will be visible when you click on lock icon.

Menu with Certificate option

Josip Medved

Posted 2016-12-27T01:33:56.207

Reputation: 8 582

This feature seems not to be available on v.65 on Mac OS. Following chrome://flags/#show-cert-link directly lists no results. Likewise, when searching for show-cert-link, no results are listed. – razumny – 2018-04-11T19:02:29.887

1I cannot say for Mac OS with full certainity but on Mint/Ubuntu and Windows, his behavior now seems to be default and thus this flag is no longer necessary. – Josip Medved – 2018-04-12T20:18:51.873

I could've sworn I didn't have an option to display the certificate info. Thanks, man! – razumny – 2018-04-15T20:15:01.950


You can now find this information in Developer Tools. Three Dots Menu > More Tools > Developer Tools, then click the "Security" tab and you'll get a "Security Overview" with a "View certificate" button.

Tim Wilde

Posted 2016-12-27T01:33:56.207

Reputation: 1 167

3This is also the only way now, and has been for quite some time. The "Details" link also lead(s) there. – Daniel B – 2017-01-01T00:52:25.593

4Starting with Chrome 56 this is the only method – xref – 2017-01-26T17:06:39.127

3This is actually what the OP already mentioned. – Matthias – 2017-02-09T13:36:16.120

3F12 for quick open developer tool – nguyên – 2017-02-18T01:47:44.653

Doesn't work on a Mac. – A Student at a University – 2017-03-19T08:28:08.467

1@AStudentataUniversity It's ⌘⌥I – Thomas Luzat – 2017-04-24T12:12:47.483

Starting with Chrome 60 you can add back the original functionality:

– Khary Mendez – 2017-08-08T12:48:32.663


From that menu, you have to follow below path:

Click on "Customize and control Google Chrome" >> More tools >> Developer tools >> Security >> View Certificate.

Check this screen-shot:

enter image description here


Simply press F12 >> Security >> View Certificate.

For Mac Users:

⌘ + Option + i

Gunjan Tripathi

Posted 2016-12-27T01:33:56.207

Reputation: 417

When I click Learn More, Chrome simply takes me to this page.

– tyteen4a03 – 2017-01-04T01:48:40.083

1This is for the older versions of Google Chrome like v54. Version 56 seems to have changed it. – None – 2017-02-09T15:28:28.970


Ctrl+Shift+I brings up Security Overview in Chrome 56.

J. Woolley

Posted 2016-12-27T01:33:56.207

Reputation: 142

9Not entirely correct - it brings up the Developer Tools and shows the last used tab. – mbx – 2017-02-13T16:25:34.600

1Doesn't work on a mac. – A Student at a University – 2017-03-19T08:29:15.767

Does anything work on a Mac? – drew010 – 2017-07-12T00:11:47.890


Not sure why this hasn't been mentioned yet, but you can hit F12 to bring up the developer window, and then switch to the 'Security' tab to view the certificates. May be easier than Ctrl + Shift + I.


Posted 2016-12-27T01:33:56.207

Reputation: 137


I have Chromium 55 on one OS and Chromium 56 on another, so can see the difference. An unwelcome change, but the 'developer tools' tab remembers settings, so all I have to do to check the cert in Chromium 56 is click F12, and then 'View Certificate,' as before.


Posted 2016-12-27T01:33:56.207

Reputation: 11


You can click on the icon to the left of the URL, which is the letter 'i' in a circle. The Details link has an option to view the SSL certificate.

Vince Sh

Posted 2016-12-27T01:33:56.207

Reputation: 31

4As mentioned above, this is what I see when I click on it: – tyteen4a03 – 2016-12-31T06:11:26.953