(Unusable) Virtual terminals?


On many Linux installations, I have seen that Alt+Ctrl+F[1-6] will bring up a shell "outside" display/window manager, and Ctrl+Alt+F7 (sometimes F6) will back the window manager / GUI. Combinations with the higher F keys (Alt+Ctrl+F[8,9..]) brings up a terminal with just a flashing cursor. Are these virtual terminals too? What processes are running there?


Posted 2016-12-23T18:23:01.413

Reputation: 669



A common setup in Linux is to have 6 virtual consoles, accessible by controlaltF1 ... F6, and subsequent F-keys switch to X servers, controlaltF7 to the first X server, controlaltF8 to the 2nd if exists, and so on.

When you get a flashing cursor, that's a virtual terminal without any processes in it. You can configure the number of active virtual consoles (with a login shell) you want to have somewhere under /etc, depending on your system. In Ubuntu, it's in /etc/default/console-setup. Many years ago, on very low-spec laptops I used to do this as an optimization to reduce processes and memory footprint as much as possible.


Posted 2016-12-23T18:23:01.413

Reputation: 2 449

It's still a terminal, even if it doesn't have any processes using it yet. – user1686 – 2016-12-23T18:35:12.860

@grawity So the other terminals (F1-F5) have login shells in them? – kabZX – 2016-12-23T18:39:20.500

1@kabZX: Yes, specifically they have agetty on them. Try systemctl start getty@tty9 on a recent OS. – user1686 – 2016-12-23T18:45:02.700

1I used to install a utility (bastion I think) that put aggregated log output on F9. it was kind of handy. – Frank Thomas – 2016-12-23T21:21:03.833