Sshuttle: DNS not forwarding


I have Sshuttle running on a Raspberry Pi 3. The intention is to use the Pi IP as a gateway so I can connect any networked device to Shuttle just by changing the gateway address to that of the Pi. All that works perfectly fine if I set a DNS up on each device (e.g. If I set no DNS, or the IP of the Pi as the DNS, I get no data throughput. I have Shuttle connected to a remote Ubuntu 16.04 server. I don't know if I need to set up a DNS server, such as BIND on that or not - Do I? I have tried setting up BIND but all I know about that is what I can glean via the Net. I definitely want to forward my DNS requests so that all traffic goes via Sshuttle. Any helpful advice will be appreciated.


Posted 2016-12-20T13:12:21.127


is a DNS server available on a more specific route than the default gateway? – Frank Thomas – 2016-12-20T13:53:24.197



This is the main thing you need to add:

forwarders {; #example dns servers;
forward only;

into /etc/bind/named.conf.options. Anyways, this simple step is not recommended if your Pi is somehow accessible from the Internet.

I'd suggest reading this.


Posted 2016-12-20T13:12:21.127

Reputation: 417