RAM seems to be vanishing



So this is happening to me since a couple of months, and I couldn't find any sort of solution or even a reason why this might be happening anywhere, so I guess this is sort of my last resort.

I have 2x8 GB RAM in my self-build computer, running Windows 10 64-bit. For some reason my computer is slowing down considerably during use, and sometimes this problem comes up straight after startup. Everything gets really slow, up until the point of some programs not responding. When I look at the task manager, I see this:

Relative RAM

If I look at how much RAM those programs actualy use, I see this:

Absolute RAM

This implies that I only have around 300 MB of useable RAM, however Windows System Settings as well as BIOS say, that I have 16 GB of installed RAM, and for some reason the amount of total RAM decreases (at differing rates) during use.

Does anyone have any idea what is causing this, and how to solve it?


Posted 2016-12-08T17:36:11.947

Reputation: 1

Can you describe "slowing down considerably during use" with some more detail? When does this occur, for how long, and specifically when it does not occur? – JaredT – 2016-12-08T17:38:36.047

It seems really random, the slowing down occurs when a program uses a lot of RAM (unsurprisingly), so for example while watching Videos or Streams in any Browser. The propability of this happening seems higher after the computer has been turned on for some time, but sometimes it happens straight after startup. – CherryWorm – 2016-12-08T17:42:10.730

The windows 10 OS is having these kind of memory hipe and machine hanging issue after anniversary updates. Check whether their inbuilt anti virus is stopped and any other app is using only one core for the whole process rather than using all the cores available – vembutech – 2016-12-08T17:45:28.457

Like I said in the post, this has been happening since a couple of months, even well before the aniversary updates. – CherryWorm – 2016-12-08T17:50:00.917

Post a screenshot of Task Manager - Performance tab showing memory information. – LMiller7 – 2016-12-08T18:00:16.817

http://imgur.com/a/HTonW – CherryWorm – 2016-12-08T18:09:53.537

Can you repost that with Task Manager resized so it shows all of the information. – LMiller7 – 2016-12-08T23:33:56.340

open a cmd.exe as admin, run this wpr.exe -start CPU -start ReferenceSet -filemode && timeout 5 && wpr.exe -stop C:\HighMemoryUsage.etl. Zip the ETL and share it (via OneDrive share link). Here I can see the memory usage of your system in detail. – magicandre1981 – 2016-12-09T05:11:28.993

What you can see from the performance tab is that one of your disks is working like crazy and you still have 16 GB RAM. Are you running VMs? Consider ordering by "zugesicherter Speicher" as that would be the reserved memory. You can already see that chrome has about 1GB reserved (at least). This doesn't directly map to used, active memory though. Do you regularly reboot? – Seth – 2016-12-09T06:54:20.847

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