Can a faulty SATA cable cause erroneous SMART test results?


Is it possible for a SMART self-test to fail because of a faulty SATA cable? Or does the test happen entirely inside of the drive?


Posted 2016-12-06T15:02:47.177

Reputation: 1 879

how's it failing? – Journeyman Geek – 2016-12-06T15:06:19.717

1The HDD firmware determines if the S.M.A.R.T self-test is passing or failing. The tests are primarly independant of the SATA cable. If you suspect a bad cable you should still replace the cable obviously. – Ramhound – 2016-12-06T15:17:45.117


No. Yes. SATA interface errors are reported distinctly from drive/media errors. See

– sawdust – 2016-12-06T20:17:31.803

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