Puppy Linux hangs at Recognizing Optical Devices


I have been trying from many days to bring back the life to my old Pentium 4 machine having 1GB of RAM. But first when I boots it stucks here ( shown in the image)


Then I decided to to run the live-USB based Puppy Linux, it normally boots from the USB but got stuck again, this time on "Recognizing optical devices ".

Next time when I booted I turned off SERR error generation from BIOS, but again, it stuck at the same point, only this time it shows some error which I am posting:


I have tried many other OS but the same problem still persists. Please help me identify what is the cause of this problem.

Mayank Pal

Posted 2016-12-06T09:03:36.137

Reputation: 53

What were the other OSs you tried? BTW, if you aren't able to get a solution here, Puppy's own forum, http://murga-linux.com/puppy/, has a concentration of experts and is a good resource.

– fixer1234 – 2016-12-06T18:13:44.370


The 'Not tainted 3.14.55' jumps out at me. Googling it, along with "puppy" and "slacko" brought me to a possible solution... http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/puppy-71/puppy-hangs-on-start-up-4175575524/

– DocSalvager – 2016-12-08T06:34:43.897

Did you ever get this solved? Can you update us on the status and solution? If you did solve it, consider posting your own answer to help others with a similar problem. – fixer1234 – 2017-03-29T06:06:35.183

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