Access key pairs in a macOS keychain from the commandline


I created a key pair in like this:

security create-keypair -a dsa -s 4096 FooBar

Now I want to access this key from to the command line to actually use it (in .pem format if possible). However, security doesn't have a find-keypairoption, and I couldn't get any of the other find_... subcommands to work. Is there a way to do this?


For now I found an (inconvenient) workaround:

  1. First, manually create a "secure note" in keychain access, whose contents is the the private key.
  2. Use the following abomination: security find-generic-password -w -s "$SecureNoteName" | xxd -p -r | plutil -extract "NOTE" xml1 -o - - | xmllint --xpath '//string/text()' -

So it seems I first have to fight the keychain to get its contents, and then I have to fight the plist to get the value... Parsing the plist could be simplified with the defaults command, but I wanted to avoid writing the key to a temp file, and I couldn't get defaults to read from stdin.


Posted 2016-12-05T20:53:00.520

Reputation: 121

try man security and man security create-keypair. (man gives you a lot of info about a command.) – timotree – 2016-12-05T21:06:23.480

2Did you read the question? – mkeiser – 2016-12-05T21:10:13.737

I did. You didn't specify whether you'd checked the manpage. – timotree – 2016-12-05T21:16:07.133

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