How to connect to SSH through Oracle?


I have requested read access to a production database. For security reasons, my Operations team has used a jump server through Cyber Ark to connect with puTTy. I am not familiar with puTTy and wondering if anyone can help to connect to the SSH through Oracle SQL Developer.

Ops team has never given Prd access before so this is fairly new and only has puTTy documentation available.


Posted 2016-12-01T16:43:21.097

Reputation: 11

Ask your operations team. – Ipor Sircer – 2016-12-01T16:44:12.453

They only know about puTTy – user230111 – 2016-12-01T16:45:36.843

@user230111 - puTTY is a SSH client? An SSH client is an SSH client though. You provide it the address, username, port and then you authenticate. I am confused how you plan on using Oracle SQL Developer as a SSH client. – Ramhound – 2016-12-01T17:08:18.117

1I read my previous comment, and I realize, that it might look like I don't know what PUTTY is. I am not asking if PUTTY is a SSH client. I am asking the reason the instructions, written for a SSH client, cannot be used for another SSH client. The user supplied information will be the same, the only thing that would differ, is the specific steps you take to enter them. The point of that first question, is based on the fact, if you know about PUTTY you should be able to use any SSH client. – Ramhound – 2016-12-01T17:25:40.783

@Ramhound the reason for instructions to connect to putty was because it is a shared account and it included instructions on using the VPN token as password. I do not know about PUTTY, so I am asking how to use SSH client with Oracle SQL Developer such as this image link

– user230111 – 2016-12-01T21:55:13.550

Using sql developer ssh connection would probably be better. As you're not even working with the host. One of the first images would lead you e.g. here: 30 SQL Developer Tips in 30 Days, Day 17: Using SSH Tunnels which has a guide. Take your putty guide, extract the information for the host, user, password/keyfile and apply them accordingly.

– Seth – 2016-12-07T07:15:45.557

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