Using Total Commander search to find paths within files


Let's say that I have a lot of *.txt, *.php, etc files. Some of these files have filepaths inside of them (links, local filepaths, etc). I've tried using Total Commander's built-in search (Alt+F7) to look for files which contain a specific path (for example, blog/ajax/post-edit.php), but I've found nothing.

I have also tried:

  • escaping the forward slashes like so:


  • enabling RegEx search, and searching for both escaped and original string

How can I find links or filepaths, by using Total Commander's search?


Posted 2016-12-01T11:33:47.020

Reputation: 92



A regex should be able to find anything you need, depending on the structure of the paths you're trying to find. You shouldn't need to escape a forward slash (though you would with backslashes).

If I wanted to search for any path that started with 'blog' and ended with '.php', I'd probably search use this:


Sorry if that's not valid for Total Commander, but that's the Notepad++ regex pattern, at least. :)

Bartleby the Scrivener

Posted 2016-12-01T11:33:47.020

Reputation: 36

Wow, this works! I had no idea I could do this in Notepad++ (used it briefly, then switched to SublimeText, and never really looked back). Thanks! I'm accepting this as an answer which solves my problem (finding filepaths/links), even though the original question was about TC. – FiddlingAway – 2016-12-02T07:48:04.937