If an encrypted folder is decrypted on a USB, then the USB is unplugged, how can I protect the data?


I have a USB with Debian Linux installed on it. I've encrypted a folder with sensitive data...

  • created a key
  • tar'd a directory
  • encrypted the tar file using openssl and key

If the folder is decrypted...

  • decrypt the encrypted tar file using openssl and key
  • untar the directory

...so I can run an executable from that decrypted folder and then in a worst case scenario if someone just unplugs the USB, how can I protect that sensitive data? Other scenarios that could leave the data unencrypted that I could imagine are shutdown now or reboot now commands. Someone could...

  • mount the USB (and specific partition with the sensitive data) on a system they have root access to and pull the decrypted data off the drive
  • plugin the USB and run Linux and access the data or send it somewhere else via rsync or some other method
  • copy the entire image of the USB and flash it onto a new USB

Wondering if I can...

  • prevent mounting the drive to another system
  • or run a clean up script on mount
  • run a cleanup script on shutdown now or reboot now

I've read and know I can...

  • run a script to clean up the data on reboot (different than reboot now) or shutdown (different than shutdown now) or on startup.

I'd prefer...

  • to and am only using a password keyfile and not a manually entered password (I understand the risks)
  • to and am using a bash script (as opposed to a GUI) to decrypt sensitive data and run an executable
  • not to encrypt a partition

Any help/ideas on cleaning up or protecting that sensitive data when the USB is unplugged are welcome!


Posted 2016-11-30T04:10:18.783

Reputation: 11

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