Notepad++ Can not Restore Previous Session



I had 20 saved files and 5 unsaved files in Notepad++, while working.

I restarted Windows 10 and started Notepad++.

Notepad++ is now empty. Previous session is not there.

I gone to AppData/Notepad++/backup folder. The files are there.

How can I bring back the previous session please in proper way?

Notepad++ 7.2.1, Windows 10

Session.xml is like this:

    <Session activeView="0">
        <mainView activeIndex="0" />
        <subView activeIndex="0" />


Posted 2016-11-23T06:51:05.793

Reputation: 81

Maybe you need to visit this page.

– RoCk RoCk – 2016-11-23T07:04:24.820



For versions 6.6+ you need to CHECK -"Remember the current session for next launch" on Settings -> Preferences -> Backup.


For older versions you need to CHECK - "Remember the current session for next launch" on Settings -> Preferences.


If it's check, Try finding the recovery folder of Notepad++. On my XP machine (If it exist in your PC), it is at

C:\Documents and Settings\<user account name>\Local Settings\Temp\N++RECOV

The path may start differently in other versions of Windows.


I would suggest to use Visual Studio Code

RoCk RoCk

Posted 2016-11-23T06:51:05.793

Reputation: 155

Thanks. I have Notepad++ 7.2.1. Setting is already checked. Backup folder is there. No N++RECOV folder though. Updated question. – Jessia – 2016-11-23T08:42:35.610