ssh hangs on osx client after Entering interactive session


I am trying to connect to a remote server (remote server running linux, local client running osx) through ssh, but the connection hangs after Entering interactive session.

  • I can sftp remote successfully
  • I can scp remote:something .
  • I can do port forwarding through ssh -fN remote works correctly (the setting for port forwarding are in the .ssh/config)
  • I connect to the server through vnc using the above port forwarding
  • rsync ALSO HANGS after Entering interactive session.

I am using the following configuration:

ServerAliveInterval 120

Host            *
ForwardX11       yes

Host            remote
User            myusername
LocalForward    localhost:5903 remote:5904
LocalForward    localhost:5902 remote:5901
TCPKeepAlive    yes
IdentityFile    ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Because somewhere it is claimed that this is due to local files on the remote server, I have removed all the .bash* .cshrc .profile

I have noticed that this behaviour does not happen when I try to connect from my Linux box (that I run as a virtual machine in my osx). Also the connect hangs from my osx when I try to connect to another remote server.

What can I check for debugging this behaviour?


Posted 2016-11-16T19:56:53.387

Reputation: 153



The problem is that X forwarding is broken on my osx. I have disabled it and now I can connect


Posted 2016-11-16T19:56:53.387

Reputation: 153