Autocomplete in windows cmd prompt?



I know that we can autocomplete paths in cmd prompt. I just wanted to know if we can autocomplete commands in cmd prompt like we do in bash.
Can we make it search through a list of builtin commands and all executable(exe,bat,cmd etc..) files in the %PATH% when tab is pressed?
Or is there a shell-like software that is having this feature?


Posted 2010-02-28T18:19:44.993

Reputation: 2 266

1Only in the current directory ... – Rook – 2010-02-28T18:37:06.943




Highly configurable, and provides full Windows-style editing, command completion, command history, syntax help, a tabbed interface and much more.

Syntax Help: As soon as a command is recognized, PromptPal displays helpful information about its parameters, switches and effects in a resizeable toolbar.

Add You Own Commands: If you have command line utilities that aren't recognized by PromptPal, that's no problem - it's easy to add them to PromptPal's collection.

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alt text


The new command shell and extensible automation engine from Microsoft does autocomplete commands.

It's native in windows 7 and Server 2008 R2.

Win + R > powershell > Enter

To install it on other windows:
And for more ressources about it:


A Linux-like environment for Windows. It consists of two parts:
  • A DLL (cygwin1.dll) which acts as a Linux API emulation layer providing substantial Linux API functionality.
  • A collection of tools which provide Linux look and feel.

And so, a bash shell that does autocomplete

There's also PowerCmd, It's a sort of GUI and not a shell replacement, so all the batch commands will be strictly the same. It extends visually the autocomplete feature (but as far as I know, only with commands in the active directory). And it's a shareware: $29.95


Posted 2010-02-28T18:19:44.993

Reputation: 6 701

Are you sure that powershell autocompletes commands.. I just tried it it didnt work for me... Can we make it work in xp? Thanx.. – asdfg – 2010-02-28T18:57:37.410

@nsharish yes it does, and yes you can install it on xp, look at my updated answer – fluxtendu – 2010-02-28T19:04:38.737

Works for me here, I typed in 'disk' and hit tab and it cycled through a bunch of stuff that matched. – Unfundednut – 2010-02-28T19:07:43.183

powershell doesn't accepts the same commands as the command prompt I think. – Jader Dias – 2010-02-28T19:15:58.440

Yes.. Its working fine for powershell builtin cmdlets.. Only after the word is typed upto the hyphen.. I am not used to powershell cmdlets yet.. Thanx for a useful answer – asdfg – 2010-02-28T19:30:59.217

Cygwin seems capable. But autocomplete is slow and it completes all files in the $PATH.. I'm learning to use powershell also. Thanx for the answer – asdfg – 2010-03-01T02:53:15.807

@nsharish see my update, if you have some bucks to spend it could be a good solution... – fluxtendu – 2010-03-04T21:44:31.690

It looks promising.. Trying it right away.. – asdfg – 2010-03-07T18:15:39.173

Can powercmd run without elevated privileges? – Chris – 2012-09-09T14:26:26.477


You can use RegEdit to enable autocomplete on paths and files. Create a file called AutoCompleteChar.reg containing the following lines. Then invoke "regedit AutoCompleteChar.reg" to change autocomplete for paths and files to the tab (9) character. Works on Windows 10.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Command Processor]


Posted 2010-02-28T18:19:44.993

Reputation: 822