ubuntu cfg issue.own user acc desktop does not show up.however guest works


I had an working Ubuntu installation until I misconfigured something and now the desktop won't show up after login. When I login with the guest account instead the desktop shows up without hassle. Also login via terminal works in the user account, too. Therefore I suspect some cfg file like xorg.conf. Can I check the cfg automatically from the terminal? Or do you have a hint which other cfg file comes into regard?


Posted 2016-11-14T18:01:13.697

Reputation: 1

If it works with your guest user the xorg configuration should be fine. It's more likely that you removed some permission from your user or added some user specific configuration that prevents it from running. Did you check the logs on the console after the desktop didn't start? Is there any error message or similar available? – Seth – 2016-11-15T12:36:57.430

Timeout locking x auth and no protocol specified errors after manual startx. – mc78 – 2016-11-16T11:37:43.673

Add that information, if possible with a full line from the log/the complete error message, to the original question to provide more context. At least a simple google for "timeout locking xauth` would suggest there is a path involved that is given in the error. Did you investigate that? This might be helpful.

– Seth – 2016-11-16T11:42:54.267

To test this i simply renamed the xauth file in my home. The path was showing there. Was just replaced by a new one. Still not works. – mc78 – 2016-11-16T15:46:53.903

Please try to dig up more information about it in your system and supply the full error messages. Did you check the various logs for any hints on what's not working? Did you check the hidden files in your profile to see what files might be related to your user specific settings for the desktop system? – Seth – 2016-11-17T06:44:16.960

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