Converting Linux machine from XenServer to Hyper-V VM


I have a XenServer on a physical machine and I want to put it into my Hyper-V environment as a VM. Is this Possible ?


Nick Branson

Posted 2016-11-13T19:06:19.000

Reputation: 11



This is what the ovf/ova format is for (ova is just an ovf image inside a tar file).

You can export your VM in an ova format following these instructions, and you can import them into Microsoft HyperV by using Kensho. Kensho has been incorporated into Xenserver 5.6 and later, and its functionality (not its name) has been rolled into XenCenter and XenConvert. So, in line of principle, if you run a reasonably recent version of Xenserver, you should be able to do it all from within Xen. If you need help, read this Citrix forum thread, and possibly more posts within the same forum.

Importing ova into HyperV requires a dedicated tool because Microsoft does not follow widely agreed-upon open-source standards (God forbid!). But some generous soul (once again Citrix) provided a tool to allow importing ova into HyperV.


Posted 2016-11-13T19:06:19.000

Reputation: 41 321