What steps would be required to port KVM to Apple's XNU kernel?


I have a few related questions I am having difficulty finding a firm answer for:

  • Does the XNU kernel have a KVM port in progress already? I know KVM was ported to the illumos kernel. How feasible is to have the same done for XNU?

  • Does the XNU have an equivalent to something like KVM? If not, what would be the most efficient* way of setting up a minimal VM host based off the XNU kernel?

*By efficient, I mean:

  • Minimal RAM usage
  • No need for a Desktop Environment
  • No need for a Window Manager
  • No need for X11 or equivalent
  • The only necessary processes running should be related to the VM hosting process and networking

Dean Kayton

Posted 2016-11-10T05:40:46.080

Reputation: 161

XNU in general, or macOS specifically? – user1686 – 2016-11-10T05:50:44.943

1@grawity I purposefully didn't mention Mac OS. I would prefer not to limit options as far as possible. But that said, I am envisaging a multi OS platform based on Apple Mac hardware. I am a QA and it would be great to be able to switch between operating systems on the fly with as minimal overhead as possible.

Update: I didn't consider that the OS might make a difference to the porting process. From my limited knowledge the kernal would be modified, and then a package on the OS would be able to interface with the kernel. Is that not how it works? Do we also need to make a change to the OS? – Dean Kayton – 2016-11-10T12:28:44.290

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