Will an SSD keep a computer from slowing down over time?


Will a SSD keep a computer from slowing down over usage compared to a computer with a mechanical hard drive?


Posted 2016-11-06T04:57:05.267

Reputation: 238

1The reason your computer "becomes slow" has nothing to do with it being a mechanic drive or a SSD – Ramhound – 2016-11-06T05:57:41.397

@Ramhound doesn't it have something to do with defragmentation? – Daniel41550 – 2016-11-06T14:53:01.977

I don't mean to sound rude, but could whoever downvoted me explain why? I haven't been using this site for too long and I would appreciate any tips! – Daniel41550 – 2016-11-06T15:42:28.743


  • No; Modern versions of Windows defrag your mechanical HDD daily.
  • < – Ramhound – 2016-11-06T17:35:18.737



    Yes, the device will be fast because the fragmentation of files has no real negative impacts on SSDs in comparison to mechanical HDDs.

    Since I use a SSD I never had slowness because of drive activity, only when the CPU was busy. On most systems the slow HDD is the largest bottleneck and replacing the HDD with a SSD also makes older Core2Duo systems fast again.


    Posted 2016-11-06T04:57:05.267

    Reputation: 86 560